About Ustadha Misba

Ustadha Misba has studied under numerous scholars both in the UK and abroad. She has a BA honours in Arabic from the University of Manchester and is a graduate from the University of Alexandria, Egypt.

She later enhanced her Arabic in Damascus, Syria. Alongside her Arabic studies, Ustadha Misba has ijaza in the Qira’a of Hafs from Egypt which she later studied further in Morocco with Shaykh Tawfiq Nouri. While in Morocco she also took ijaza in the style of Warsh.

She has travelled to Tarim, Yemen and studied under the Habaaib and their family and taught Quran at Dar al Zahra. She later had the honour of teaching the children of Shaykh Muhammad al Yaqoubi in Morocco and has ijaza in Sahih Bukhari from the noble Shaykh. 

Additionally, she studied Riyadh us Saaliheen and benefited immensely from the late Shaykh Muhammad at-Tawil in Fez. She took ijaza in Shama’il Muhammadiyah and Arba’een Nawawi from the son of The Great Muhadith of Morocco, the late, Allama Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Siddiq al Ghomari and also took ijaza from The Grand Muhadith Allama Abdullah bin Abdul Qadir al Talidi al Hasani in Tanger

She resides in Derby as the founder of Evergreen Collective, a charity that encourages diversity and female Muslim representation in activities relating to physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. She is completing her Masters in Educational Leadership at The University of Cambridge and is the founder of Niiyyah, an initiative based on Hudoor ul Qalb (presence of the heart and mind) by Imam Ghazali.